We just finished another successful vision walk! Twenty-Five amazing people joined our team this year to walk in Ethan's honor! We raised a total of $1,521.00, a little less than last year but still a good bit! We are thankful for every penny that we receive! Some of you may be unaware but there is currently a treatment for both a form of Retinitis Pigmentosa and a disease called LCA. It is because of these donations that these treatments are available! Our family is hoping that one day, with the help of all of the money raised at these walks that we will have a treatment or a cure for Ethan.
As always, we thoroughly enjoyed having everyone at the walk and had a blast at the after party we hosted! YOU are the reason that we are able to get through this crazy thing called life, you help lift us up when we are down and give us all of the support we need! Whether or not they ever find a cure for Ethan's RP, we know this one thing for sure, he will be surrounded by people who love him fiercely and that is all he needs! I see a lot of people visiting our website and that is amazing! One of our main goals for this website was to increase awareness and encourage people to learn more about visual impairment and how it impacts those around us. Please feel free to drop a comment below one of my blogs or send me an e-mail through the "contact" tab. We love to hear from you! Also, if you aren't aware... baby Weaver #2 is going to be a girl!! Although we would have been perfectly happy with a boy, it is nice to know that we don't have to worry about her having RP. Ethan is very excited to become a big brother and he will no doubt rock it! :-)
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AuthorI am the proud mommy of Ethan! My husband Jason and I decided to start up this web page as a way to stay connected with our friends and families and share our story! Archives
September 2019
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